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Boric’s popularity plummets to unprecedented levels in Chile

Boric's popularity plummets to unprecedented levels in Chile

SANTIAGO DE CHILE- The Center for Public Studies (CADEM) revealed the latest results obtained on the social approval of the president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, highlighting the low levels of popularity compared to his predecessors, Michelle Bachelet and Sebastián Piñera, during the same period of their mandates.

The data published by the pollster on its social network X reveals that Boric’s approval is in an unfavorable position compared to his predecessors. This decline represents a significant challenge for the president and his administration.

During the third year of his mandate, presidential approval in Chile is crucial to measure the population’s trust and support for the government’s policies and decisions, and Boric registers the lowest approval since he assumed the presidency in March 2022.

It should be noted that with the results published by CADEM, it is evident that the Chilean president once again reaches an average disapproval of 70%, a percentage similar to what he obtained in January 2023.

Crisis management, the policies implemented and the population’s perception of the government’s effectiveness in addressing the country’s challenges may be contributing to its disapproval. Likewise, the lack of concrete actions to address the crisis of violence that is plaguing Chile.

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Likewise, CADEM highlighted that the majority of people who express disapproval of Boric’s management are men, belonging to the age range of between 35 and 54 years and coming from low socioeconomic segments.

The study indicates that approximately 60% of the Chilean president’s critics are men.

Regarding the socioeconomic aspect, the survey reveals that around 66% of the population that expresses rejection of Gabriel Boric’s mandate come from lower segments of society. This information highlights the importance of considering the needs and perspectives of these sectors when designing public policies and government strategies.

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