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Bottrop’s Hansa Center is to become an oriental centre

The company SI&AM wants to expand the Bottroper Hansa-Center into an oriental-oriented shopping center. It should be ready by the end of 2024.

Another new investor for that Bottrop Hansa Center: The Düsseldorf real estate investment company SI&AM wants to offer an “oriental-oriented range of high-quality retail, event gastronomy, event rooms, a spa area and offices” in the former shopping center, which has been empty for twelve years. The project developer announced this late Monday evening. He had previously presented his plans to the council factions.

After the former owner of the Hansa-Center, Fakt AG, went bankrupt in November last year, Bottrop’s Mayor Bernd Tischler announced that he would “take matters into his own hands”; the city wanted to exercise its right of first refusal and acquire the property. With the insolvency of the Bottroper Fakt-AG-Gesellschaft, however, this right of first refusal was gone.

Bottroper Hansa-Center: “Concept for intercultural encounters”

Fakt AG had borrowed money – we were talking about 20 million euros – and deposited the Hans-Center as a mortgage, i.e. as security. This land debtor, a real estate fund, has now decided to develop the Hansa-Center with SI&AM.

The Düsseldorf company wants to develop a “concept for intercultural encounters”. The press release states that the future “Hello im Hansa-Center“ will “welcome all visitors who, for example, appreciate the oriental food culture and wellness offers”. The aim is to open at the end of 2024 after the shell has been expanded.

Fakt AG acquired the Hansa-Center in 2019 and announced that it would revitalize the building complex. The Essen-based group of companies was one of many investors who had announced that they would develop the Hansa-Center since 2011 – such as Redos Real Estate from Hamburg, the Duisburg-based Cosimo Group or Publity AG from Leipzig.

We’ll update this report on Tuesday with details on the expansion plans.

More articles from this category can be found here: Bottrop

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