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Boxing coach at the Olympics dies

Boxing coach at the Olympics dies

The coach of the Olympic team boxing de Samoa, Lionel Erica Fatupatodied during the Olympic Games in Paris at the age of 60 from a cardiac arrest.

The International Boxing Association (IBA) has issued a statement expressing its regret at the sudden death of Lionel Elika Fatupaito, coach of the Samoa boxing team, at the Olympic Village.

“We extend our sincere condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Lionel Elika Fatupaito, the Samoa national boxing coach, who tragically passed away,” the organisation said of the coach’s death on Friday, believed to be from a heart attack.

The coach was in his room with a sportsman when he suffered a heart attack at around 10.20am, a police source said.

The emergency services certified his death as natural causes, which is why no obstacles were raised to the technician’s burial. However, the investigation into his death was entrusted to the judicial police of the Seine-Saint-Denis department (Paris region).

Fatupaito was recognised as one of the best boxing coaches in his country and was at the Olympics to train boxer Tupuola Ato Plodzicki-Faoagali. The athlete used his Instagram account to mourn the death of his coach: “I have no words to express how I feel, but rest in peace, coach Lionel. This is our last together before your death. Great teacher.” Faoagali will compete this Sunday in the round of 16 in the men’s heavyweight category against Belgian Victor Schelstraete.

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