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Boy Dies on Bus Texas Sent with Migrants

El menor recibió atención médica pero no sobrevivió. Foto Ap

Austin,Texas. A 3-year-old boy who was riding one of the buses Texas sends migrants to other states died en route to Chicago, authorities said Friday, the first time the state has reported a death since it began sending migrants. thousands of migrants from the southern border of the United States last year.

Texas authorities confirmed the death of a child in a statement Friday, but did not say where he was from or why he became ill. The Illinois Department of Public Health said the boy was 3 years old and died Thursday in southern Marion County.

“Any loss of life is a tragedy,” the Texas Division of Emergency Management said in a statement. “Once the child presented health problems, the bus stopped and security personnel on board called 9-1-1 for emergency care.”

The boy received care from paramedics and later died at a hospital, according to the agency. The bus left the Texas city of Brownsville. State officials said all passengers had their temperatures taken and were asked if they had any medical conditions.

Spokesmen for the Texas emergency management agency did not immediately respond to questions asked for more details.

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