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Brain Fog: What helps against post-Covid complaints / Infections with Corona can also cloud mental performance. What helps those affected is very individual

Word & picture publishing group – health reports

Baierbrunn (ots)

A lack of attention, memory gaps and speaking are not easy either: around 27 percent of all corona sufferers report six months after their infection of mental losses, according to the result of a current study from Germany. “This can go so far that those affected can no longer work because they have difficulty following video conferences or capturing texts,” says Professor Kathrin Finke, psychological director of the memory center with integrated neuro-post-COVID center at the university hospital in Jena, in the health magazine “Apotheken Umschau”.

Rule out other possible diseases

The first point of contact for patients is the family doctor’s practice to clarify other possible causes of brain fog – literally translated “brain fog”: for example a stroke, depression or dementia such as Alzheimer’s. High levels of stress can also trigger the symptoms. Is it Long Covid there is no drug and no established therapy – what helps those affected is very individual.

Complaints are slowly but steadily decreasing

Often have a healing effect Relaxation, regular sleep, exercise and a balanced diet. If not, occupational therapy is another option to train the affected cognitive functions. General practitioners also have the option of prescribing rehabilitation or referring those seeking help to a specialized acute hospital such as the neuro-post-COVID center at Jena University Hospital. Professor Finke observes that the subjectively perceived symptoms are alleviated at follow-up examinations after six months. “This suggests that for many of those affected, the symptoms are decreasing very slowly but steadily.”

This report is only free for publication with a reference to the source. The health magazine “Apotheken Umschau” 4A/2023 is currently available in most pharmacies. There is much more interesting health news at as well as on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Press contact:

Julie von Wangenheim, Head of Corporate Communications
Katharina Neff-Neudert, PR manager
Phone: 089/744 33-360

Original content from: Wort & Bild Verlagsgruppe – health reports, transmitted by news aktuell

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