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Brands are betting on AI-powered video advertising, study finds

  • 31 percent of companies in Mexico report that they use AI in their business operations.

  • 43 percent of companies report that they are exploring the use of AI.

  • Currently, 46 percent of the companies in Mexico that explore or implement AI have a strategy for this.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained worldwide fame especially in the advertising industry. That picture is reflected in a new study that reveals how brands are betting on video advertising using AI.

Over the months, everything that technology such as AI is capable of generating has been demonstrated, from writing a script, creating an image or a video, these have been the activities that this system performs without the help of a human. That is why the adoption of Artificial Intelligence grew steadily around the world, especially with 31 percent of companies in Mexico indicating that they have actively implemented AI, according to the Global AI Adoption Index 2022 study, conducted by Morning Consult at the request of IBM.

This shows how the growth of this technology is about to accelerate as it continues to grow globally, Therefore, the same source highlights that 31 percent of companies in Mexico report that they use AI in their business operations.

Video advertising made by AI

This year the creation of advertising campaigns will continue to lead brand projects and more, where they can implement the use of technology.

In this sense, it is estimated that it is currently essential that marketers are aware of the new trends in advertising and know the formats preferred by today’s consumers. It is because, the content formats They have changed and today people prefer to see a story in video than in text, or even often than an image.

Likewise, consumer habits have also changed and according to a Hootsuite study, people spend more and more time in front of the mobile phone, So what they spend watching content on social media equates to more than three full days a month, which is 15 percent of their daytime.

Another study carried out by the consulting firm Wyzowl indicates that 84 percent of consumers claim to have made the decision to buy a product or service after watching a video of a brand.

In that same order, the source Groovinads, Martech service platform, He stressed that Video ads will be the great bet of brands in 2023.

According to experts from this platform that enhances marketing campaigns with artificial intelligence, each time more brands are betting on video advertising and this is possible thanks to technology.

“Today it is not necessary for brands to have videos to advertise in this format. For example, DCO technology allows audiences to be segmented according to the brand’s inventory and to create thousands of dynamic videos (Video ads), based on banners, adjusting to the tastes and preferences of each of the targets. In other words, whether they have videos or not, today brands can be relevant to their audiences in an immediate and innovative way, increasing the chances of conversion”, said Iván Santos Muñoz, Country Manager of Groovinads in Mexico, in the investigation.

Applying this strategy to brands could help reach the right audience, since according to research, video ads with Artificial Intelligence or Video ads allow brands to create hundreds of of intelligent video variables with personalized messages, according to the tastes and preferences of each of the audiences.

It will also be possible to increase the results of a company in less time, where following the study carried out by Wyzowl, 62 percent of marketers say they achieve their goals with programmatic video advertising strategies.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why AI has become a highly sought after and talked about tool around the world, especially in the advertising industry.

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