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Brands used by cybercriminals to steal data

  • In 2021, the highest average cost of a data breach in 17 years was recorded.

  • The most common cause of data breaches was theft of user credentials, in 2021.

  • In 2021, every second, 14 people around the world were victims of a cyber attack.

Security is one of the most important characteristics of companies and consumers, especially when it comes to a social network or brand with a website. Recently, it was revealed that the Brand Phishing Report shared which are the most used brands to steal user data by cybercriminals.

According to data de United Nations Organization (UN) in 2021, every second, 14 people around the world were victims of a cyber attack. Given this data, it is estimated that this reality could represent up to 2 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the internet black market.

A study carried out by the consulting firm PwC, in 2022, reported that more than 50 percent of companies around the world expect a rebound in cyberthreats. Where, among the managers participating in the study, the attacks that will grow the most next year are those that target cloud services and ransomware with 57 percent. Followed by malware downloaded via software updates and attacks on supply chain software and corporate email at 56 percent.

Brands and cybercriminals

As every year, the brands most used by cybercriminals to steal personal and bank data are revealed.

Through the Brand Phishing Report, it shares statistics of the brands most used to steal user data, explains that through emails, personal and bank details are stolen.

On the list ofThe companies are names like Google, Yahoo and LinkedIn, which according to information many criminals use ‘phishing‘ on these sites, which is a scam with which they steal user data to then access their bank accounts.

It was learned that the name of the brand most used to carry out this type of scam in 2022 was the technology company Yahoo.

Research conducted by Check Point Research, a Threat Intelligence division of Check Point Software Technologies Ltd., He explained that in Q4 2022, he considered the most spoofed brand for phishing attacks in Q4 2022 was Yahoo with 20 percent attempts.

In this sense, according to the specialists, the mechanism with which an attempt was made to impersonate the identity of the brand was by distributing emails, where in the messages announce prizes or money from senders such as “Awards Promotion” or “Award Center”.

They also explain that the technology sector is the industry most supplanted by piching, where companies like DHL it ranks second with 16 percent, of all attempts. Ahead of Microsoft, which is in third place with 11 percent, LinkedIn returned to the list this quarter, reaching fifth place with 5.7 percent.

“You have to remember that if something seems too good to be true, it is almost always a lie. To protect yourself from a brand phishing attack we need to avoid clicking on suspicious links or attachments, always check the URL of the page they lead to, and never share personal or banking information,” said Omer Dembinsky, Data Group Manager at Check PointSoftware.

This problem is one of the main concerns of businessmen around the world, given all this, and as a great issue that is in the eye of business leaders around the world and as a growing concern, both investigations stress the importance of developing a common language and metrics for the boards of major companies, may be a priority.

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