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Brayan Cortés shines imitating Alexis Sánchez: The fun video of Colo Colo in the preseason

El Cacique shared an entertaining record of what the first days have been like in the town of Cardales, Buenos Aires. In the audiovisual material, the war of the squad against the mosquitoes is appreciated and the goalkeeper from Iquica excelled by bringing out his skills as an imitator.

© Colo Colo.The funny video of Colo Colo in the preseason.

Colo Colo continues to work at full speed in his preseason and is about to complete a week of intense training under the orders of the coaching staff of Gustavo Quinteros in the town of Cardales, Buenos Aires.

But not everything is preparation, because the campus takes advantage of this instance to relax and have fun. Through a video vlog uploaded to the club’s networks, they reveal what these first days at the luxurious Sofitel Hotel have been like.

The campus suffers from mosquitoes

In the audiovisual material it is possible to appreciate the great problem that the Popular delegation has had: the mosquitoeswho have done their own thing and have stung the albos despite the large amount of repellent they have used.

In fact, the players gave their testimony about this war before the annoying bugs. One of them was César Fuentes, who indicated that “terrible, from day one”. Another who did not hide his annoyance was Jeyson Rojas, who assured that he is “all chopped, crazy. Mosquitoes are heavier”.

Brayan Cortés laughs by imitating Alexis Sánchez

On the other hand, in this kind of docurreality, the goalkeeper Brayan Cortés brought out his skills as an influencer with a camera in hand and also his facet as a humorist by imitating the well-remembered phrase of the “boy kid” by Alexis Sanchez.

Damn I’m handsome. I have a single piece. calm down kid”, said the 27-year-old goalkeeper who made everyone laugh in the purest Stefan Kramer style.

It should be noted that Colo Colo will remain in Argentina until January 14the day they will return to our country to get fully into the Super Cup against Magallanes that is agreed for the 15th of this month at the Sausalito Stadium in Viña del Mar.

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