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Brazil appointed a new ambassador to Argentina and the National Government accepted him in record time

With Lula da Silva in Argentina, Brazil appointed its new ambassador to the country and the government of Alberto Fernández immediately approved him. This is Julio Glinternick Bitelli, current ambassador to Morocco.

From the Argentine Foreign Ministry they confirmed his appointment and, in turn, from the Brazilian government they announced that, despite being approved, it will be “submitted for consideration by the Argentine Senate”.

“The Argentine government, in record time and by decision and instruction of President Alberto Fernández, approved the proposed ambassador of Brazil for him to be officially ambassador to Argentina,” official sources detailed.

Julio Bitelli was ambassador in Tunisia, Colombia and currently, until he was accepted by the Senate in Argentina, in Morocco. He also developed as Chief of Staff in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In front of the Brazilian Embassy, ​​he became involved as a counselor and counselor minister.

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