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Brazil cancels sending observers to presidential elections due to Maduro’s criticism of its electoral system

Lula da Silva, who has cried in public, asks María Corina Machado not to cry

BRASILIA.- The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) of Brazil announced in a statement that it decided not to send technicians to observe the elections presidential of Venezuela that will be celebrated this Sunday, July 28.

The agency’s measure was taken after Nicolás Maduro, head of the Venezuelan regime and candidate for a third term, questioned the Brazilian electoral system.

The TSE stated that it “does not accept that, internally or externally, through statements or acts that are disrespectful to the fairness of the Brazilian electoral process, the seriousness and integrity of the elections and electronic voting machines in Brazil are undermined. Disqualified with lies.”

In this regard, the agency described as “false” the statements made by Maduro against Brazilian electronic voting machines. The TSE maintained that, contrary to what the Venezuelan authorities claim, these “machines are auditable and secure”The Court will refrain from sending technicians, despite having planned to “respond to an invitation” from the National Electoral Council (CNE) for the elections.

On Tuesday, July 23, during a political event in the state of Aragua, Nicolás Maduro stated: “We have the best electoral system in the world, it has 16 audits and a hot audit is done on 54% of the tables. Where else in the world do they do that? In the United States? The electoral system is unauditable. In Brazil? They don’t audit a single record. In Colombia? They don’t audit a single record, in Venezuela we audit 54%.”

Lula’s call

On Monday, July 22, the President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said he was scared when he heard Maduro say that there would be a “bloodbath” in Venezuela if he did not win the presidential election.

“I was frightened by Maduro’s statement that if he loses the elections there will be a bloodbath; whoever loses the elections takes a bath of votes, not blood. Maduro has to learn, when you win, you stay; when you lose, you go,” Lula said.

Later, although he did not directly allude to the Brazilian president, Maduro replied: “Whoever is scared should drink some chamomile tea.”

Source: We monitor

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