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Breaking Addiction with Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12 Steps: “How do people do when they have no one to talk to?” »

“It’s not so much what I did before that is interesting. It probably is for you and your paper, but keep in mind that I lived much longer clean than stoned. » The phrase is slipped in after an hour of conversation, one December afternoon in a bar in Belleville on which rain is falling which could well make one believe that it is already night. Julien Gangnet, screenwriter, is 53 years old. We made an appointment on the occasion of the publication of his latest book“The 12 Steps. The method that has transformed millions of lives”, published by Goutte d’Or.

This short work has nothing of an autobiography and everything of a small guide to free oneself from what Julien Gangnet calls “the mind, that something that pushes you to make irrational decisions, fuels your unease or a degraded self-esteem”.

It might be time spent on social media, over-ambition, or anxiety. For Julien Gangnet, it was the heroine. He got away with it twenty-seven years ago by following the twelve-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), now convinced that this spiritual method born in the United States can help the general public far beyond the problems of ‘addiction. The program – which is based on the triptych “total abstinence, follow-up of stages, sponsorship by a third party” – is built to be self-sustaining throughout life.

The first stage, revisited by Gangnet in his book, is that of honesty.

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