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Breaking news: Seck towards a starting shirt in Florence

According to the latest news from the granata environment, the Senegalese could take the place of Sanabria as at the beginning of the season

Demba Seck could be the surprise move by Ivan Juric for tonight’s match against Fiorentina: against Milan in the Italian Cup he had been the author of a good game in the unprecedented role of central forward and in that same position he could also play against Fiorentina. The former Spal has also been tested in that position in training in the last few days and could also play as a point guard at the Franchi. At his side, Vlasic and Miranchuk, the immovable of the three-quarter grenade.

Turin, Sanabria at risk on the bench against Fiorentina

The one proposed in the match is therefore a trident renewed by Juric to try to solve the offensive problems of his team: Toro struggles to realize the chances it creates (only 18 total goals against the 20 conceded) and a change could be the solution right. Everything therefore passes into the hands of Seck now, who is required to do his duty by ensuring movement and concreteness in front of goal. Deploying him from the first minute however means leaving Sanabria out again, this time by technical choice. The Paraguayan, until now little questioned by Juric, and recently courted on the market front, risks having another rival with whom to contend for a place in attack.

Demba Seck

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