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Breast cancer, why do experts recommend screening after age 40?

MIAMI.- To prevent breast cancerlike any type of cancer, a timely review is essential, but oncologist doctors recommend that women that screening through mammograms and breast ultrasound be performed from the age of 40, according to recent studies.

Specialists have determined that women with a history of breast cancer in their family are at greater risk of suffering from the disease, which is why they recommend that they undergo the required examinations starting at the age of 40 and with a frequency of two years.

“Women should weigh the risks and benefits of screening,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention of Diseases (CDC), which believes that although cancer screening tests cannot prevent the disease, they can help locate cancer in its early stage when it is easier to treat and with a greater chance of survival.

In the US, breast cancer appears as the second most common type of cancer, and one in six women diagnosed will die from this disease, according to reports from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), in 2023. In the world, it is the leading cause of death for women.

Breast cancer, review at 40 years

In the US, a woman’s average risk of developing breast cancer at some point in her life is approximately 13%, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS).

But although the average age of women to suffer from it is 62 years of age, oncologists maintain that cancer cells can appear sooner or later, and one of the most determining risk factors are genetic or hereditary ones.

This, although they also consider overweight and excessive consumption of breast cancer as risk factors for breast cancer. alcohol.

For this reason, they consider that breast examination for diagnosis should be done after 40 years of age. And not before.

Cancer Detection – AP

A radiologist performs a mammogram on a patient at the Neighborhood Emergency Center in Brownsville, Texas.

Miguel Roberts/TheBrownsville Herald via AP, File

When it comes to women under 40 years of age, mammography is not useful and the possible associated harms could outweigh the benefits, says a study based on a sample of 73,335 women, the majority between 35 and 39 years of age who underwent to trials, and led by Peter Mace, Bupa’s deputy medical director.

For every 10,000 women ages 35 to 39 who have a screening mammogram, 1,250 will have a “false positive” result, meaning they have a positive screening test but do not have cancer and therefore do not have cancer. , they may undergo unnecessary testing and treatment, according to the study published by a specialized organization.

Prevent, at all ages

In addition to a check-up at the indicated age, specialists recommend other measures to prevent breast cancer.

They are:

Perform a breast self-examination every month, starting at age 20.

Maintain the appropriate weight, according to your height and health.

Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, which is also beneficial for preventing cardiovascular diseases and strengthening mental health.

Avoid alcohol or nicotine consumption.

Source: With information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Sá, Diario Las Américas.

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