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Broadband measurement: Many providers still do not deliver the service they have paid for

In mobile communications in particular, customers still often do not get the maximum speed that their provider promised them when they signed the contract. Only three percent were happy about the full contractually agreed data transmission rate on the mobile Internet last year. A slight increase compared to 2.6 percent in the previous year. This time, 23.2 percent of the clients received at least half of the contractually agreed estimated maximum data transmission rate across all bandwidth classes and providers when downloading (2021: 20.1 percent).

That goes from the Seventh Annual Broadband Measurement Report emerged, which the Federal Network Agency published on Wednesday. It covers the period from October 2021 to September 2022. In total, the regulatory authority counted 398,747 valid measurements in the fixed network via its official desktop app. In mobile communications there were 623,581 and thus significantly more than in the previous period with 441,233.

In higher bandwidth classes in mobile communications, the regulatory experts found that the percentages in which the contractually agreed maximum data transmission rate was achieved tended to be even lower. However, the results were very different between individual providers, which also applies to the fixed network.

Despite the bad statistics, 70.8 percent of end customers gave their providers a comparatively good grade between 1 and 3. Last year it was 75.7 percent. According to the Federal Network Agency, however, this is apparently due to the fact that users of mobile broadband connections tended to approve of the mobility and the absolutely available data transmission rate rather than achieving the maximum speed.

In the fixed network, 84.4 percent of customers across all bandwidth classes and providers received at least half of the maximum data transmission rate when downloading. 42.3 percent were able to fully enjoy them. Most (78.2 percent) were also satisfied with the performance of their connection and rated it from 1 to 3. Less than eleven percent gave it a 5 or 6. Since gigabit connections were included for the first time in the stationary area, it was a methodological change was necessary, the figures here are not comparable with previous years.

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Klaus Müller, the President of the authority, reminded affected consumers that they via the desktop app “could prove reduced performance in the fixed network with our broadband measurement” “in order to assert their rights against their provider”. In order to design a comparable procedure for mobile communications as well, the Agency 2022 presented key points for consultation as a first step.


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