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Bruce Willis suffered from a stutter in his youth.

Bruce Willis He is one of the best known actors of the hollywood industryUnfortunately, he is going through a painful moment in his life when he was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia, at 68 years of age, news that has moved public opinion and of course his family, who have shown him support.

A video circulates where we see him celebrating his birthday surrounded by his loved ones, happy, but with signs of imbalance, a different image from that of the man we admire for his gallantry and charisma.

Walter Bruce Willis, born on March 19, 1955 in Idar Oberstein, West Germany and nationalized American, is one of the highest-grossing comedians in history, his films have managed to add 7.5 billion dollars, for what was considered as one of the most profitable. He is also a producer, musician, singer, but his illness will force him to stay away from shows since he is gradually losing his memory to the point of not recognizing those close to him.

In March 2022, his family informed public opinion that Willis would walk away from acting after being diagnosed with aphasia, a language impairment, a year later the actor’s health worsened and today his condition deteriorates due to suffering from frontotemporal dementia, known like FTD.

Bruce Willis has been a versatile actor, he has played the same comedic, dramatic and action roles. We even saw him participate in the famous television series friends courting Rachel (role played by Jennifer Aniston).

We remember him from his films pulp fiction, The fifth element, Armageddon, The Protected, Glass, among other. She made more than 60 films that earned her several international awards, such as two Emmy Awards, a Golden Globe and Four Saturn Awards.

Demi Moore was not only his wife, but also his partner, with whom he had three daughters before his divorce in 2000. He is such a relaxed man that he even attended his ex’s wedding with actor Ashton Kutcher, a relationship that lasted a few years. Some time later, the Hollywood heartthrob married the young model Emma Heming.

According to a biography, Willis suffered from a stutter in high school and was given the nickname Buck Buck because of it. The British writer John Parker in his book Bruce Willis The Unauthorized Biography published in 1997 mentions that the actor resorted, on the advice of his drama teacher at Jerry Rockwood school, to exercises to regain confidence, taught by a language specialist, to lose his stuttering that afflicted him

According to his own words, he could hardly speak. “It took me three minutes to complete a sentence. It was overwhelming for someone who wanted to express himself to others and wanted to be heard but just couldn’t. It was terrifying. It wasn’t until I took on the role of a character, in a play when I lost my babbling. It was phenomenal.”

After several attempts to overcome his stuttering and after dabbling in various activities such as wrestling, and working as a factory worker and security guard, Willis gradually entered the world of acting until he made his debut in 1980 as an extra on the film. The First Deadly Sin, starring Frank Sinatra. Much of his life was spent in New York, where he came as a child with his parents from Europe, to start his successful career in Los Angeles.

Together with Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Scharzenegger they founded the Planet Hollywood restaurant chain.

It seems that his destiny was marked from his youth when he faced serious speech problems. There are currently no treatments for the disease.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, frontotemporal dementia refers to a group of disorders caused by the progressive loss of nerve cells in the frontal lobes of the brain (the areas behind the forehead). These areas of the brain are generally associated with personality, behavior, and language.

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