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Buenos Aires firefighters put out the fire in the Ecological Reserve

The last outbreaks were located about 350 meters from the Los Sauces trail, and reached about 100 meters in front by 30 meters high, and were attacked by two crews using high-pressure lines and sappers, as specified.

Another fire unit also collaborated with high-pressure hoses and pumps between posts 2 and 3, according to the police report. During the early morning, the firefighters also worked with pumps, removing isolated sources.

The grassland fire of the Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve broke out around 5 p.m. yesterday and the City firefighters and personnel from the 1 E Neighborhood Police Station of the local Police moved when they were alerted by calls to 911.

The brigadistas decided to evict the passers-by for safety and to allow the work of fighting the fire, which at that time covered a front of about 300 meters.

City firefighters from the La Boca and Barracas detachments, five Federal Police Fire Departments, together with the Federal Rescue Brigade (BEFER) and the Forest Risk Brigade, and Volunteer Firefighters from Puerto Madero, La Boca, worked. Barracas and San Telmo. A drone unit and a fire attack planning unit were also deployed.

The provinces of Misiones, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Santa Fe, Buenos Aires, La Pampa and the city of Buenos Aires registered active forest fires, while the firefighters managed to contain the focus that until yesterday affected Ushuaia, in Tierra del Fuego, according to reported the National Fire Management Service (SNMF).

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