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Buenos Aires Police: announce increase in CORE hours and what you pay for uniform

The governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, today announced a salary increase for the members of the Buenos Aires Police.

Leading the discharge of cadets from the “Juan Vucetich” Police School and motorist drivers, in an act that took place in Vicente López’s district, Kicillof anticipated that the value of CORES hours will rise to $600, at the same time that in concept of uniform each cash will now receive $15,000, twice the current value.

Kicillof referred to the fact that during the previous administration “within a framework of salary adjustments for all workers in the Province, the body that suffered the most was the Police,” and stressed that “this class of cadets that is graduating today is the first to go through this special and renewed process of formation”.

In relation to the increases in those two items that he announced, he said that it is “a historical demand, never fulfilled but fair, for the same work, equal remuneration” as other forces. “That is why the famous CORES hours, which when we assumed were $40, until today we had multiplied it by four and a half and today we multiply it by three again, which makes it possible to compensate for that additional effort by our Police Today it becomes $600 per hour”, while what is paid for uniforms will go from the current $7,500 to $15,000.

“It is a reward for that effort and sacrifice that police officers give every day,” added the Buenos Aires governor.

Kicillof was accompanied by Lieutenant Governor Verónica Magario, Security Minister Sergio Berni, and mayors. In this promotion, 3,551 police officers and 502 motorist drivers graduated, so the force currently has a total of 94,618 troops.

“We are crowning an enormous effort to continue working on the path of recovery and transformation of this force. We received an absolutely decimated Police,” Kicillof said in his message to the graduates.

Along these lines, he maintained that he received “a destroyed vehicle park” that was replaced “completely with the purchase of 500 new zero kilometer mobiles.”

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