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Bundestag: Cannamedical patient advisory board passes demands for cannabis legalization

Cannamedical Pharma GmbH

Berlin (ots)

The patient advisory board of Cannamedical Pharma has handed over demands for legalization in Berlin. The occasion was the invitation of the rapporteur for drug and addiction policy of the SPD parliamentary group in the health committee, MdB Dirk Heidenblut, to speak about the care of cannabis patients. The Advisory Board, consisting of 15 members, was founded last year. The aim of the advisory board is to better understand the needs and wishes of cannabis patients, to improve their health and quality of life and to support successful therapy.

Demands to legalize cannabis

The federal government announced last week that cannabis legalization in implement two steps to want. In the first pillar, private and community, non-profit-oriented self-cultivation should be allowed: homegrow and cannabis clubs. In the second pillar, regional pilot projects with commercial supply chains are to be tested. A reference to the care of patients is missing in the announcement. The Cannamedical Patient Advisory Board and Cannamedical Pharma have therefore presented four demands as impulses for legalization:

1. Secure supply

Patients must have “right of way” when supplying cannabis. There must be no scarcity caused by the leisure market. If the demand is higher than the available quantity, the medical market has priority. There should be no capped delivery or ownership amount.

2. Facilitate access

Reclassifying cannabis from a narcotic to a prescription drug (Rx) can reduce prescription hurdles and improve patient access to medicinal cannabis. This should be done promptly.

3. Allow imports

National production will not be able to dry up the black market (around 400-800 tons). Cannabis imports from abroad are possible for medical supplies and should complement national production. Because: In order to provide both patients and consumers with safe and high-quality products, a stable supply must be guaranteed.

4. Guarantee quality

Safety standards were not detailed in the federal government’s announcement. Good Manufacturing Practice has been an established standard for years and should be a point of reference for future regulations. In addition, GACP quality standards and those of the German Pharmacopoeia have proven their worth in the field of medicinal cannabis, as they ensure reliable traceability and high quality of the cannabis and minimize contamination from dangerous adulterants.

Joint commitment to the reservation of approval

“The medical histories of cannabis patients reaching us every day clearly demonstrate the importance of improved legislation governing the medical use of cannabis, and we are actively committed to making such a change. We are grateful for the opportunity to engage with the Members of Parliament Heidenblut and to give patients a voice to share their experiences in using cannabis as medicine”, said Nico Kipnik, Patient Ambassador of Cannamedical Pharma and member of the Patient Advisory Board.

The SPD health politician Heidenblut has been campaigning for the abolition of the so-called reservation of approval for a long time. Health insurance companies still regularly refuse to cover the costs incurred by cannabinoid therapy. As a result, many patients have to bear the costs for necessary cannabis therapy themselves. Cannamedical Pharma has also been campaigning for the unconditional assumption of costs by health insurance companies for years.

About Cannamedical

Cannamedical Pharma GmbH is a GDP and GMP certified pharmaceutical manufacturer with all licenses for the import, wholesale and release of medical cannabis products on the European market. The company is focused on helping people living with chronic diseases by importing and processing only the highest quality cannabis products, supplying approximately 3,000 pharmacies and clinical facilities. In addition to supplying high-quality medical cannabis products, Cannamedical focuses on providing physicians, medical professionals and pharmacists with important information. Production partners all over the world comply with the highest pharmaceutical quality standards – the EU GMP guidelines (European Good Manufacturing Practice). As a GDP-certified (Good Distribution Practice) company, Cannamedical ensures that all steps within Cannamedical’s supply chain are based on good distribution practices and corresponding quality standards are met. Cannamedical Pharma GmbH was founded in 2016 by David Henn, has its headquarters in Cologne and a branch in Great Britain. Since 2021, the company has been part of the Semdor Pharma Group – one of the leading pharmaceutical groups in Europe specializing in narcotics and medical cannabis. More information at

Press contact:

Cannamedical Pharma GmbH
Patrick Piecha
Phone: 0176 412 358 53

Original content from: Cannamedical Pharma GmbH, transmitted by news aktuell

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