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Bus and train: This is how long you can travel with VRR tickets at the old price

Before the Germany local transport ticket comes, the Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr will increase the ticket prices again. This is how you can save.

In the new year, the Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr (VRR) will make another significant move – and will increase prices across all tariff options by an average of almost four percent. Nevertheless, you can avoid the price increases for tickets for trains and buses in the Ruhr area for a few weeks by purchasing a certain amount of tickets in advance. Because the tickets at the old price are still valid until March 31, 2023 – and can be used as normal. You just have to be careful not to buy tickets for single journeys from ticket machines that stamp the tickets in advance. In any case, a four-journey ticket is cheaper than four single tickets.

VRR single tickets are ten cents more expensive

A single ticket in category A1 or A2 currently costs EUR 2.90. From January 1, 2023, the price will increase to 3 euros each. In price category D, the price for a single ticket increases from EUR 15.70 to EUR 16.50. A four-person ticket will cost 11.50 euros instead of the current 11 euros (category A). Anyone who needs category B now pays EUR 23.10 instead of EUR 24.20 in the future. A C four-person ticket costs 50.60 euros from January – and is now available for 48.20 euros.

The monthly tickets are also becoming more expensive. For example, if a Ticket 2000 in price category B currently costs EUR 126.90, it will cost EUR 132.60 from January – almost EUR 6 more. Price level A2 costs 90.90 euros instead of the current 87 euros. If you need price level C, you pay around 175 euros instead of the previous 167.30 euros. The monthly price for the bear ticket increases by EUR 4.20 to EUR 97.10.

The following VRR ticket variants can still be used until the end of March 2023

Oberhausener Stoag points out that the following ticket variants purchased in 2022 can still be used until March 31, 2023: single, 4-person, 10-person tickets as well as 4-, 24-, 48-hour tickets and additional tickets. Anyone who misjudges the advance sale and does not use up all of their tickets from 2022 by the end of March can exchange these tickets for the period after April 1, 2023 – without an additional administration fee. However, you have to pay the difference to the new 2023 price of the tickets in the Stoag customer centers. The exchange of the old 2022 tickets for new tickets at the then current price is even possible until December 31, 2025.

The social ticket (only with an entitlement card for recipients of Hartz IV, social assistance and housing benefit) will be available as a subscription for price level A for the first time from January 2023 – this is cheaper than the monthly individual purchase of the social ticket, which is also known as “MeinTicket”. The social ticket, purchased monthly, will cost EUR 41.20 from January instead of the previous EUR 39.80. In the subscription, however, the customer only has to pay 36.22 euros.

More articles from this category can be found here: Oberhausen

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