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Businesses in the Center of Saltillo estimate profits of more than 400 million pesos, due to December holidays

It should be noted that the cold front and the icy wave affected the flow of sales registered since the first week of December.

Although there is still a week left until the end of 2022, the established commerce of the first square of the city estimates to close the year with a sale of between 400 and 420 million pesos.

So he made it known salvador rodriguez, leader of the merchants of the City Center. “We were doing well throughout the month of December, reaching 2019 levels, it affected us a bit cold23 and 24, but there was a good sale”.

He added that the year 2019 was not a year good for local commerce, however, reaching those sales levels after the pandemic and the protection required by COVID-19the standard, favors them.

Businesses in the downtown area of ​​Saltillo, Coahuila.

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Established and traveling merchants are betting that sales improve in this last week of the year. “The 98 percent of the sales are of the day, the separated system is the whole year, but They are sales of the day that people make when they receive their bonus”.

December sales in the first painting of the city they seem to rise, but still do not leave a profit for street vendors; according to the tenants, so far they are about to recover the investment of the season.

Jose Luis Perezwho has a business of articles for the birth, said that his sales have moved “calmly”, he assured that people who do not come close. “People want other things, clothes, toys”.

Downtown area of ​​Saltillo, Coahuila.

Jose Juan Duranowner of a winter clothing business, says that sales have moved well, that he is about to raise what he invested, but that he expects this last week of the month to pick up.

“People pass by, but they don’t buy. They ask and say, then I return. The cold He delayed 23 and 24, we expected it to burst with sales and no people came out. We hope for the 31st to improve”.

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Juan de la Cruz, a seller of socks and handbags, said he was optimistic about the week that is running and that sales will pick up with the New Year and Three Kings Day. “Right now there are already sales”.

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