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By 2025, AI chat rooms will teach children to read: Bill Gates

The co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates assured that the chatbots of AI they will be future “teachers” and that in 18 months, they will already be helping children to learn to read and write.

“The AI he will reach that capacity, to be as good a tutor as any human being,” said the technology mogul during a presentation at the ASU+GSV Summit in San Diego, California.

He added that chatbots right now have “incredible fluency in being able to read and write,” which will soon help them teach students to improve their own reading and writing in ways technology never could before.

Journalists start using AI to improve writing

Although the tycoon also clarified that at this stage of evolution of the AIthe task of teaching them writing skills would be extremely difficult for a computer.

“When teachers give feedback on essays, they look for traits like narrative structure and prose clarity, a highly cognitive exercise that is difficult for developers to replicate in code.”

In contrast, Kevin Roose, a technology columnist for the New York Times, claimed a few weeks ago that he has already used ChatGPT programs to improve his writing, using the AI’s ability to quickly search online style guides.

In the same vein, American academics have said they are impressed by the chatbots’ ability to summarize and provide feedback on snippets of text, or even write entire essays themselves.

However, they also caution that the technology is not yet fully formed, and may inadvertently introduce significant errors or misinformation.

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In 18 months, AI will be a teacher’s assistant

“If you only take the next 18 months, the AI they’ll come in as teacher’s aides and give feedback on writing…and then they’ll expand what we’re capable of doing in math,” Gates reaffirmed.

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