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By mistake in the order: They attack a Hispanic employee in a Maryland restaurant with a tip jar

By mistake in the order: They attack a Hispanic employee in a Maryland restaurant with a tip jar

An employee at a Maryland business was injured after a customer allegedly assaulted him following an order error.

The incident occurred at the La Doñita restaurant located at 4907 57th Avenue in Bladensburg. The owner, Dora Pérez, detailed what happened.

“He did not like how they had prepared the steak and cheese. She wanted it with meat and they gave it to her with chicken. Then she told the cooks that they were old and things like that. My son got upset,” he recounted.

Pérez’s son, who was working as manager of the family restaurant, asked the customer to respect the workers and to leave the establishment. However, the discussion took an unexpected turn.

“The boy came, grabbed the glass jar that was there and smashed it. Luckily my son put his hand in because he might have hit his face, “said the owner of the business.

The tip jar shattered on the victim’s arm causing serious injuries.

However, Pérez denounced that this is not the first incident that has occurred in the establishment because three days ago a subject who tried to enter to buy ran away with the container of tips.

“Very aggressive people come fighting for things. So they want things cheaper. The employees did not come today, they say they feel threatened too,” she reiterated.

The Bladensburg Police Department told Telemundo 44 that it is investigating the case as an assault. Inside the premises they have several security cameras that could have captured what happened.

Pérez asks that the presence of officers in the area be reinforced because he is concerned that this incident could affect his business by scaring away his clients.

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