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By mistake of an employee, Max Capital spread that there would be a 50% devaluation

In the context of the abrupt rise of the dollar, the stock exchange Max Capital spread that there would be a 50% devaluationsomething that finally turned out to be wrong, for which he had to issue a statement with an apology, where the mistake was attributed to an employee.

In the report, he apologized to the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massafor having installed the rumor: “We want to send you, directly, our heartfelt apologies for the error of an employee of our company that generated the dissemination of an absolutely unfounded rumor about an alleged exchange devaluation”.

Furthermore, it was stated that “We are fully aware of the damage that reproductions of this type can cause” and, that “such perspective does not represent the institutional opinion of the Max Capital Group on the economy.”

It was also made clear that, the same day the letter was sent, the president of the company, Nicolás Guaia, had stated: “I think there will not be a devaluation jump this year”. And he closed by assuring that “we are at your disposal to clarify what happened and continue working for the growth of the Argentine capital market.”

It should be noted that this provoked a reaction from the Ministry of Economywhich in the middle of a tense week, indicated that it would criminally denounce that stock exchange company for spreading the rumors.

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