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C6 Bank wins Best Digital Bank award

C6 won for the third consecutive time the title of Best Digital Bank in the Canaltech Award, which announced the best of 2022 in its 6th edition. And while the competition was fierce with Nubank, C6 Bank came out on top on the overall service performance score from the popular vote.

The Canaltech Award has established itself as one of the most important in the world of technology. The choice of winners takes place through a vote by the technical and popular juries, based on a careful selection of the best brands, products and services in the national market. There were 36 different categories with wins, referring to the works presented in 2022. There were almost 4.2 million votes counted, with 148,298 voters, distributed in 36 different categories.

Among the innovations that won over customers in the 2022-2023 season, C6 Bank launched features that allow customers to manage overdue credit card invoices themselves. Now, the bank’s app has an exclusive home page for paying invoices in short arrears (up to 67 days), a specific chat bot for self-service on this topic and a renegotiation flow via WhatsApp.

With the new features, customers can manage their overdue invoices and negotiate personalized payment and installment conditions in a secure digital environment.

The bank also participates in the Mutirão de Negotiation and Financial Guidance, promoted by Febraban (Brazilian Federation of Banks) in partnership with the Central Bank, Senacon (National Consumer Secretariat) and Procons throughout the country. The campaign runs until March 31.

To check out all the winners of the 6th Canaltech Award, just access the awards website.

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