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Caffeine and polycystic ovarian syndrome, a bad combination

the coffee has many benefits, but it can wreak some havoc on the health of women who have polycystic ovary syndrome, people who have insulin resistance or adrenal fatigue or those who want to get pregnant.

The nutritionist Mauret Rojar from Laviafit comments that It is important to remember that our hormonal balance is a fine tune, because if something goes wrong, everything is affected. Caffeine alters our stress hormones, it has a major impact on insulin sensitivity and our sex hormones.

“As always… the dose makes the poison,” says the specialist. Less than 150-200mg of caffeine a day does not generate this effect and it is recommended to stop it completely if you are pregnant or want to get pregnant. If you love coffee you can opt for the decaffeinated version in moderate quantity.

What are the advantages of caffeine in our body?

-Helps to stay focused, alert and improves memory.

-Drastically improves sports performance.

Reduces the risk of developing Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.

-It is associated with a decreased risk of certain types of cancer such as colorectal (a disease in which cells in the colon or rectum multiply uncontrollably).

-Coffee is an excellent antioxidant.

What disadvantages does caffeine have?

-May decrease insulin sensitivity.

-Excessive consumption is associated with abnormalities of the menstrual cycle.

-Alters the activity of the AXIS HPA.

-Raises the risk of spontaneous abortion.

-It can deplete some essential vitamins and minerals for hormonal health such as: iron, magnesium and vitamin B.

Coffee and insulin sensitivity

-Caffeine raises cortisol and epinephrine causing irregularities in glucose metabolism.

-Blocks the protein adenosine that plays a key role in the amount of insulin that is produced.

-Produces insomnia, which is associated with less sensitivity.

Caffeine and fertility

The World Health Organization recommends not exceeding 200-300 mg during pregnancy. New studies believe these recommendations are outdated and the amount should be less.

Caffeine and adrenals

Caffeine consumption raises cortisol and epinephrine. Recreating in resting state stress conditions affecting the activity of the AXIS HPA.

Stress associated with a deterioration of metabolic and hormonal parameters in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

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