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Call of Duty is going after Fortnite, and it’s very bad news

The Epic Games title had a strong argument to seduce Call of Duty fans, but that is now history.

Difficult, a priori, to imagine any link between Call of Duty and Fortnite. And yet! For months now, Activision’s FPS license has been invited into Epic Games’ Battle Royale. How ? Thanks to the creations of hard players. But the party is now over, and the two titles will each resume their journey separately.

Playing Call of Duty on the Epic Games game is over

Not long ago, Epic Games implemented a new mode that was extremely popular with the community. Entitled Creative 2.0, it allows, as its name suggests, players to let their imagination run wild. It is thus possible to create your own mini-games within Fortnite. In the image, finally, of what can be done elsewhere (Minecraft, Roblox, Dreams…). Obviously, it is mainly new maps that are created. But it sometimes goes further, and some players go so far as to recreate cards from other licenses. In this case, we think of those who have fun reproducing maps of Call of Duty.

One of the most famous creators in this field is the youtuber Mist Jawa. This one is particularly known for having reproduced Rust, mythical map of Modern Warfare 2 of 2009, with great fidelity. But it seems that Activision does not really appreciate the initiative. Obviously, all the creations directly taken from Call of Duty are under copyright, and it is therefore logical that Epic ended up making the decision to withdraw all content related to the publisher’s license. According to our information, no legal action has been taken, but the studio behind Fortnite preferred prevention to cure. Mist Jawa announced bad news on Twitter. All its multiplayer and zombie maps inspired by the famous FPS license have been removed. The renowned streamer Jake Lucky indicates in passing that many other creators are in the same case.

Activision has started removing copyrighted maps from Fortnite’s Creative mode. Which means Call of Duty-inspired maps like FPS Rust, Zombies and others will no longer be playable, as their creators are contacted to remove them.

Fortnite soon to be playable in FPS

If it’s any consolation to players, know that playing an FPS on Fortnite has not become totally impossible. First, the other creations of the community playable in the first person but not subject to copyright are still accessible. Then, an FPS mode could officially see the light of day. Many reliable sources indeed indicate that Epic as well as “Fortnite First Person mode is finally coming in THE NEXT SEASON”. We are now waiting to see if the studio confirms this information or not, but there is little room for doubt. And if you prefer to find Call of Duty maps and weapons, big leaks about Modern Warfare II should interest you!

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