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Cambridge study suggests that 30% of cases of schizophrenia in young men could be due to effects of cannabis

There schizophrenia it is a serious mental disorder that causes delirium, hallucinations, paranoia and disorganized behavior in the people who suffer it. Although a specific cause for this illness is not yet known, ldoctors associate their development with a combination of genetic and environmental factors and the alteration of chemical substances and the structures of the brain.

One of the determining factors to develop schizophrenia could be cannabisalso known as the plant of the marihuana, a psychotropic drug. According to a research funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, at least 30% of young men between 21 and 30 years old with schizophrenia are linked to cannabis addiction.

Consuming marihuana is linked with increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Furthermore, in all age ranges, 15% of male patients with schizophrenia had a history of marihuana addiction. A simism for the 4% of female patients with schizophrenia.

La Dr. Nora Volkow, director of NIDA and co-author of the study, says that the results call for “urgent action” and demand that people think twice before smoking marihuana.

According to science, the development of schizophrenia in the last few decades could continue to increase while marihuana becomes legal in some countries.

“The plot of disorders due to the use of substances and mental illnesses is an important public health problem, which requires urgent action and support for the people who need it”, says Dr. Volklow.

What are the endocannabinoids, the substance similar to the THC of the marihuana that we produce in humans (and what effect they have on our body)

“As we continue to expand access to potent cannabis products, it is crucial that we also expand prevention, detection and treatment for people who may experience mental illnesses associated with cannabis use”, he added.

The cannabis, or the marihuana, causes psychosis, affecting the way in which a person thinks, makes decisions, manages emotions and interacts with reality. It can also interfere with brain development in young people.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse has been forthright in its warnings about cannabis use in the United States, warning that very little is known about its health effects as to why the drug is widely available for recreational use. (I)

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