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CAN 2025, Belmadi: Hafid Derradji gives it a layer

Hafid Derradji once again evokes Algeria’s candidacy to host CAN-2025. He affirms that it will be a “lost bet” for our country, while explaining the reasons.

At a time when the Algerian state does not intend to skimp on all means for our country to host CAN-2025, Hafid Derradji, said that the identity of the host country has been sealed by CAF. “Before the presentation, exhibition and study of the files, it seems that the (clique) decided to give Morocco the honor of hosting CAN-2025. As for Nigeria, together with Benin and Algeria, they will respectively host the CANs of 2027 and 2029”. He wrote on his official Facebook account. And to add: “The vote should take place on the sidelines of CHAN-2023 in Algeria, but it has been postponed to February…Football has not become just a game as some believe. But the choice at this level has nothing to do with the dossier”. He wrote on his official social media accounts.

The famous Algerian commentator from beIN Sports has just given a layer. Indeed, and according to him, the organization of CAN-2025 by Algeria will be a lost bet.

“The organization of CAN-2025 seems from the start a lost bet for Algeria. The application file was submitted without taking into consideration the developments that African football is experiencing and which are not in favor of our country. Algeria will only be able to host a CAN from the year 2029 with a new coach and another generation of players. He wrote in a paper posted on “Al-Arabi Post”.

Derradji tackles Belmadi again

In his paper, Hafid Derradji once again tackles Djamel Belmadi. He persists and signs that the national coach assumes a large part of the responsibility for the elimination of the Greens from the last World Cup in Qatar.

“I have already said that Bemadi bears a large part of the responsibility for the elimination of the Algerian national team from the World Cup in Qatar, as I have said that the great merit of the consecration during the CAN-2019 come back. If the selection was invincible in 35 games, it is also thanks to him. But when you fail, you have to know how to leave the table, as was the case for several coaches after the end of the World Cup for not having achieved the objectives assigned to them. He added.

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