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Can poor sleep contribute to weight gain? | metropolises

Sleeping little has become common in current times. Approximately seven out of ten Brazilians claim to have poor sleep quality, according to data from the latest study by the Sleep Map of Brazilians, released by the Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion and Statistics (Ibope) in February 2022.

According to nutrologist Ronan Araujo, losing more than two hours of sleep per night for prolonged periods is considered a chronic problem, which can affect various aspects of individuals’ lives, including weight regulation.

“Losing more than two hours of sleep a night can affect productivity at work, interpersonal relationships and even physical health. Sleeping is essential for the proper functioning of the organism and when it does not happen, the body suffers consequences”, says Araujo.

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Studies show that the duration of sleep time may be directly linked to the increase in body mass index (BMI). The shorter the sleep time, the greater the possibility of gaining weight.

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