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Canada: a man charged with terrorism after a knife attack in the west of the country

Abdul Aziz Kawam faces four counts, including attempted murder and assault, committed “for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with a terrorist group”, according to court documents.

A man was charged with terrorism on Monday after threatening a person with a knife and slitting the throat of another who was seriously injured on a bus in British Columbia, western Canada, according to court documents.

Abdul Aziz Kawam faces four counts, including attempted murder and assault, committed “for the benefit of, at the direction of or in association with a terrorist group, namely the Islamic State”, documents filed by the Service say. Canadian criminal prosecutions.

The suspect first threatened a man at a bus stop by putting a knife to his throat on Saturday morning near the town of Surrey, in the remote suburbs of Vancouver, local authorities said.

Victim should recover

The victim, however, managed to flee by pushing the attacker. The latter boarded a bus where he would have been in conflict with another passenger.

“During the altercation, one of the men allegedly pulled out a knife and slit the other’s throat,” police said. Seriously injured, the victim underwent emergency surgery and is expected to recover.

“During our investigation, it was determined that the suspect made several disturbing comments,” Metro Vancouver Transit Police spokesperson Amanda Steed said of the charges against him. of the suspect, while specifying that “the victims and the suspect did not know each other”.

In recent years, Canada has experienced a succession of events of rare violence for the country. In September, a large manhunt took place in the center of the country, in Saskatchewan, after stabbing attacks which left ten dead and 18 injured mainly in an Aboriginal community.

In June 2021, a man was charged with terrorism after killing four members of a Muslim family in a car-ramming attack in London, Ontario.

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