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Canadian company manufactures the first baby stroller that works with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence wherever we look. Automatic learning or machine learning mechanisms have been installed in practically any electronic device. The most recent? Baby strollers.

It is the traditional baby stroller, but with software that acts under the indications of Artificial Intelligence for each situation that the infant or whoever transports it may face.

The device is, if a lot to be said, a tool to give parents a little more license to be careless. They are manufactured and developed by the Canadian company Glüxkind, according to gizmodofamous in the creation of baby items.

This baby transport device was introduced at the most recent Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2023). He stood out for its multifunctionality, which goes beyond the simple transfer of a boy who still can’t walk.

Is it a stroller of the future?

Among the outstanding functions of this stroller made by the people of Glüxkind, is that it rocks the baby independently. A series of sensors captures the movements and sounds of the infant and begins to move it so that it finds tranquility and comfort.

One of its main tools is that on slopes, whether going up or down, the car stops if it does not detect the close presence of the adult. With sensors and cameras placed around it, it captures the entire environment of the device.

Glüxkind explains that the car “offers adaptive assist for pushing and braking, which makes tackling uphill and downhill inclines a breeze, even when the bottom drawer of the stroller is full of groceries. In addition, the stroller’s self-driving capabilities allow it to travel without being directed, while the parent or caregiver interacts with the baby.”

Because it is an electronic product, it works with a battery that, when charged for three hours, offers autonomy for six hours. You can manipulate it with an app available for Android and Apple and its cost, perhaps what you will like the most, will be $3,800. It comes out in April 2023.

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