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Cancer early detection: How organoids are said to help the pancreas

Cancer of the pancreas is of the worst kind because it is seldom caught in time. The symptoms appear so late that the disease can hardly be treated. Early detection methods are therefore urgently needed. So far, however, it has been difficult to find out which changes in the organ, also known as the pancreas, lead to cancer and which biomarkers could indicate this early on. Researchers led by Alexander Kleger, Director of the Institute for Molecular Oncology and Stem Cell Biology at the University Hospital Ulm, want to change that with human pancreatic organoids.

Organoids are mini-organs created in the laboratory that mimic the biological function of the natural model. With pancreas organoids, the researchers want to understand the embryonic development of the pancreas in the laboratory and map the occurring harmful mutations with all the effects on the pancreas cells. From this, it is hoped, not only possibilities for early detection but also indications for therapy can be derived.

In the case of the pancreas, the researchers need three types of organoids, namely one for each of the three tissue building blocks. Because the pancreas is a multi-talent. With its beta or islet cells, it forms the hormones insulin and glucagon to regulate blood sugar. These cells make up up to five percent of the organ. The predominant part is formed by the acinus cells, which produce enzyme precursors for the digestion of sugars, proteins and fats. Third in line, the ductal cells, which line fine ducts, direct these digestive juices to their place of work.

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