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Cancun; Bar Association defends magistrate handling Uber case

Cancun; Bar Association defends magistrate handling Uber case

Criticism against the magistrate Jorge Mercado Mejiawho handles the Uber case, has led the bar association to give its position on the matter, denying what the taxi drivers have said against him and expressed their support for the magistrate.

The college’s position was after the union spokesman for taxi drivers andres quintana roo Luis Mis, accused Jorge Mercado of “incurring in alleged acts of corruption.”

Cancun; Bar Association defends magistrate handling Uber case

Let us remember that on Wednesday, January 11, the situation of Uber in Quintana Roo will be defined and Mercado is the one in charge of the court and because of this, the taxi drivers fear that it will rule in favor of the protection requested by uber.

Angélica Amaro Hernández, president of the Bar Association “Manuel Crescencio Rejón”highlighted the work of Mercado Mejía, since “it has contributed greatly in the legal sphere, always willing to prepare the lawyers of Quintana Roo, participating in the provision of professional training,” he commented.

Cancun; Bar Association defends magistrate handling Uber case

He asserted that he magistrate He has shown them over the years administering justice, with commitment, vocation and invaluable dedication, and they recognize “his impeccable trajectory,” he said.

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