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Candidates for the presidency of Ecuador close campaign with security measures

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The candidates who aspire to the Presidency of Ecuador in the elections next Sunday have delivered their last speeches on Thursday amid strict security measures, after violence has largely marked a campaign in which one of the presidential candidates, Fernando Villavicencio, died shot at the end of a riot in Quito.

Insecurity in Ecuador affects the political landscape

In fact, the final act of one of the candidates, Daniel Noboa, representative of the ADN alliance, has been shaken by a shooting in the town of Durán, in Guayas. The incident occurred with the caravan already underway and Noboa has suggested on social networks that it was an attack directed against him and his team, hypothesis later denied by the Police and the Government.

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The police presence has been a constant in all the acts and several candidates have even launched their latest messages with bulletproof vests, such as the indigenous leader Yaku Pérez, or the journalist Christian Zurita, who replaced Villavicencio as a candidate for the Construye Movement. Zurita, in fact, has delivered his first and last speech as official presidential candidate, since the National Electoral Council (CNE) he did not give the green light to his candidacy until Wednesday.

The favorite in the polls, Luisa González, from the Revolución Ciudadana movement – ​​linked to former president Rafael Correa – has concluded her campaign in Guayaquil promising a “strong hand” against crime and a “hand in solidarity” with the population, according to the newspaper ‘Primicias’.

Campaign closures in Ecuador

Guayaquil was also the place chosen by the businessman Jan Topic to close his campaign, while former vice president Otto Sonnenholzner, who aspires to go to at least the second round, has had an impact from Machala on the importance of the next President, work to combat insecurity in an Ecuador marked by escalating violence.

Also read: They assassinated Fernando Villavicencio, candidate for the presidency of Ecuador

On Sunday, Ecuadorians will choose in early elections the person who will replace Guillermo Lasso, who is not running for re-election, with the uncertainty of knowing to what extent the assassination of Villavicencio will affect the final result. The Ecuadorian Code of Democracy has prevented the dissemination of polls since August 10, one day after the crime.


More details: Recruitment of minors and massacres have increased in Colombia: UN

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