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Capital businesses suffer affectations in 25% of their sales

Due to the current economic context and where the implementation of the Package Against Inflation and Famine stands out (pacic) to contain the adverse scenario, in Mexico City the 25% profit margin of its services and tourism sectors.

In a press conference, the president of the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism (kanak) From Mexico City, Jose de Jesus Rodriguez Cardenasexplained that as a local private sector they have suffered from the increases in the costs of raw materials and services.

In addition, under this price increase, they had to reconfigure before the implementation of the subcontracting reform, also the increase in the minimum wage, as well as the agreement with the federal government not to increase prices for consumers.

“Gains of up to 25% of the profit margins have been sacrificed and this figure is not a minor figure, if out of 100 pesos that I earned last year, today I am going to earn 75 pesos, it represents a real effort,” he said.

Despite them, the businessman explained that this 2023 is forecast to be better compared to previous pandemic years, since sales are expected to be the same as 2019; According to the private chamber, in that year the economic income was 880.317 million pesos.

“What the Private Initiative, the business sector, has to do is try to produce its margins to remain competitive and we understand that this is temporary, also because we hope that the economy will continue to grow, so that we can recover, and we can once again achieve the margins that gave us sustainability,” he said.


According to the study carried out by Canaco Mexico City, sales during the first quarter of 2023 amounted to 149,559 million pesos, 38% more than in the same period of 2022when 108,339 million pesos were registered.

However, the recovery of the total trade sector is still pending, since this figure is still below what was generated in 2019, when it was 65,489 million pesos.

In the first month of this year, total sales of 53,201 million pesos were reported, 49.4% more than in 2022. In February, the economic benefit was 53,350 million, 32.4% higher than in 2022. For March, sales they were 43,007 million, growing 32.6% annually.

José de Jesús Rodríguez announced that for the second quarter, it is estimated to register sales of 139,772 million pesos, which means an increase of 20.6% compared to figures for 2022.

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