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Car hits Biden’s motorcade vehicle in Delaware

Car hits Biden's motorcade vehicle in Delaware

WILMINGTON.– A car crashed into a parked SUV protecting President Joe Biden’s motorcade Sunday night as the president was leaving his campaign headquarters. He and first lady Jill Biden were unharmed.

As Biden walked from the campaign office to the armored SUV that was waiting for him, a sedan collided with a Secret Service vehicle that was being used to close nearby intersections to expedite the president’s departure. The sedan then headed toward a closed cruise ship, before Secret Service personnel drew their weapons, surrounded the vehicle and ordered the driver to put his hands up.

The president paused and looked in surprise at the scene of the incident, before being led to the vehicle, where his wife was already waiting for him, before being quickly driven back home. Otherwise, his schedule was not affected by the incident.

Steve Kopek, a spokesman for the US Secret Service, said the president’s motorcade left without problems. Local Wilmington police handled the incident, meaning the driver was not considered a serious threat to the president.

Source: With information from AP

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