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Car without registration number, stopped on DN1 only after the police fired bullets into the tires

The policemen from Ilfov participated, on Sunday, in an action to catch a driver suspected of committing a crime and who was driving a car without registration plates on DN 1, between Bucharest and Ploiesti.

Police carPhoto: Adrian Ilincescu/

The man did not stop at the police signals and continued on his way even when the policemen used the weapon, shooting the tires of the car.

Finally, the car driven by the fugitive was stopped, and the man was taken out of the car after the police broke one of the windows of the car.

The incidents took place on Sunday morning, in the area of ​​Ciolpani commune.

Ilfov Police statement regarding the incident on DN1:

“On September 24, around 9:50 a.m., the Ilfov County Police Inspectorate was alerted by the Capital Police regarding the fact that a person suspected of committing a crime, in the area of ​​a mall in Bucharest, was moving to Prahova county, on DN1, with a car without license plates.

Acting promptly, the policemen of the Ilfov Road Service noticed the car that was flagged in the area of ​​Ciolpani and since the driver refused to stop at the policemen’s regulatory signals, continuing his journey towards Prahova county, the Ilfov policemen proceeded to follow the car, using the acoustic signals and lights from the police special vehicle.

During the pursuit, in the context in which the driver refused to stop, the police officers used the weapons provided, shooting vertically and later on the tires of the pursued car. At one point, the alleged perpetrator turned the car in the direction of Bucharest, the police managed to intercept and stop him, in the area of ​​kilometer 34″.

Because the driver refused to get out of the car, the police broke one of the windows. At that moment, the shrapnel caused minor injuries to both the suspect and one of the policemen.

Rapid tests regarding the presence of alcohol or drugs in the driver’s body came out negative. The man in question was taken over by the Capital’s police, for further investigations.

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