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Caracas registers cacerolazos in rejection of the fraud imposed on Maduro

Caracas registers cacerolazos in rejection of the fraud committed by the Maduro regime

CARACAS. – Saucepan banging and slogans against the first bulletin offered by the National Electoral Council that fraudulently declares the winner of the presidential elections Nicolas Madurolive in Petare, considered the largest slum in Latin America, located east of Caracas, along with the surrounding areas in the Venezuelan capital.

It has been reported on social media that both in the slums and in nearby urbanizations, the people of Caracas are expressing their discontent at what they describe as fraud.

Protests were also reported in areas such as El Paraíso, west of Caracas, Guarenas, Guatire and Los Teques (in Miranda state).

As part of the first protests, residents appeared on the balconies of their homes to bang pots, whistles or bugles.

Caracas had woken up to a tense calm, with the streets deserted after Venezuelans remained until dawn at the polling stations demanding the counting of votes that was denied to the witnesses accredited to the tables in most of the polling stations.

Source: Writing

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