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Carlos III and a worrying prediction that would put his reign at risk

This Saturday, May 6, the coronation of Charles IIIwho is already the new king of England in an event of colossal magnitude with more than 20 thousand guests. However, a few days before the ceremony, a mysterious prediction, which would put his reign in jeopardy, made by Nostradamus resurfaced among the public.

The predictions were made by the Frenchman Michel de Nôtre-Dame during the 16th century, however, he has been awarded some successes such as the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the attack on the Twin Towers. Now, a series of hidden messages have come to light that would ensure that the police hid a series of elements in order to continue the reign of Charles IIIthe son of Queen Elizabeth II and Philip of Edinburgh.

Nostradamus, who made the predictions in the 16th century.

“Letters found in the Queen’s chest, no signature or author’s name, the gifts will be hidden by the police and it will not be known who the lover is,” explained Nostradamus. This could mean that whoever was the English monarch had an affair and a new spouse would represent a new person to occupy the throne before her own son.

Charles III, the new King of England.

The artists who refused to be part of the coronation of Carlos III

The British Royal House announced that three days of festivities will take place for people to come together and celebrate a historic occasion. This is why several artists were invited to be part of the coronation festivities for Charles III. The Sun newspaper reported that singers such as Elton John, Harry Styles and Adele, among others, had rejected the call to integrate the tributes to the new monarch for different reasons.

Carlos III, son of Isabel II and Felipe of Edinburgh.

While Harry Styles and Robbie Williams claimed that they were on a world tour on that date and ruled out their attendance at the coronation. Adele did not give any explanation of the reasons that led her to deny the invitation, according to Daily Mail. In addition, they were called the Spice Girls, but Victoria Beckham explained that she is busy with her children and with her beauty and fashion lines. Lastly, Ed Sheeran had a concert scheduled that he couldn’t cancel.

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