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Carmen Barbieri responded to Alfa after she said she dreamed of her

Some days ago, Alpha, Participant of Big Brother 2023 edition, recounted a dream he had inside the house that surprised his classmates. There the participant narrated, somewhat overwhelmed, that he woke up after dreaming that Carmen Barbieri he was dying

“I dreamed that Carmen Barbieri died. I saw the news and Fede Bal was crying like crazy”, started counting. And she continued until the transmission stopped passing the conversation: “In Telefe Noticias he said: ‘Yesterday he withdrew from his studies…’, said.

Given these sayings, the host of “Mañanísima” echoed these words and said: “I’m going to sue Alfa because he said that I had died. My mom said that if they dreamed that, they would extend your life ”, explained.

While exclaiming: “If he wins, I’m going to sue him to get the money. No, a lie, but what he says is ugly ”, joked.

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