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Carnival fair: Kirmeszoff in Dortmund: teenagers throw bottles at the police

Trouble at the Dortmund carnival fair: On Shrove Monday evening, the police had to intervene on the Alter Markt. Bottles also flew.

While in the pubs at old market exuberant carnival parties were going on, a group of youngsters behaved badly outside. It’s running there Dortmunder carnival funfair. The round 20 teenagers disturbed so much on Shrove Monday evening that several restaurateurs called the police.

Especially one youth (16) stood out from the group at the bumper car, explains the Dortmund police. The emergency services wanted to separate the loud and aggressive boy from the others in order to close him calmthey say – but that made him even wilder.

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After he one beaten by the police he was “brought to the ground and tied up,” the agency said. The emergency services also found a forbidden one telescopic baton. The young man didn’t like the way to the patrol car either: he continued to resist massively.

Out of “solidarity” with her buddy, strangers threw her out of the group two bottles on the police officers. But they didn’t hit. Otherwise, the group remained calm, even as the evening progressed, police said.

The teenager had to go to the guard. There his (according to the police also unwilling) Parents him off.

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