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Carnival: know diseases that can be transmitted by kissing

After two years, the Brazilian is getting ready to skip a Carnival again. In addition to the joy, glitter and costumes, the party is marked by many kisses, most of the time, between unknown people.

Epidemiologist Jonas Brant, who is a professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Brasília (UnB), considers that, at Carnival, risks are heightened due to the proximity between people, alcohol abuse and adherence to risky behaviors .

This combination can lead revelers to acquire diseases transmitted by kissing, Sexually Transmitted Infections (ISTs), diarrheal diseases, Covid-19 and other respiratory infections.

“Carnival has risks that people must consider so that they are calm and safe and do not miss the opportunity to have fun. This does not limit the celebrations. It’s simply a matter of preparing and understanding the landscape you’re entering,” says Brant.

Kissing on the mouth can be a transmission route for numerous infectious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi. According to Professor of Dentistry at the Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio University Center (Ceunsp) Gabriell Bonifacio Borgato, people should be aware of the appearance of sores in the region of the lips and inside the mouth, especially after contact with different people on days of revelry.

Bonifacio also reinforces the importance of properly hydrating. “By losing water, our salivation is reduced, which contributes to disease, cavities and inflammation in the gums”, he points out.

See the most common diseases transmitted by kissing:

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Better known as the kissing disease, mononucleosis is transmitted by saliva. The viral infection can cause malaise, fever, headache and sore throat, and white patches in the throat. Treatment is through symptom control.

Rest and hydration with water, teas and natural juices are recommended to speed up the recovery process. The virus is eliminated within a week or two.

Lip herpes

Type 1 herpes virus is transmitted during kissing. Most commonly, people develop sores on their lips after small blisters appear. They shrink and heal in a few days.

The first infection can cause systemic changes such as headache, fever, malaise and sores in the oral cavity. People with cold sores should avoid direct contact with other individuals, especially with babies, who are at risk of having a more serious condition.

If small blisters appear on the lips, apply ice to the area and keep the area moisturized with cocoa butter or a lanolin-based product. If sores form, it may be necessary to apply a topical anesthetic. Cold sores have no cure and the individual will be subject to periodic outbreaks.


Syphilis is a Sexually Transmitted Infection (IST) caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum that can also be transmitted by kissing, as long as people have wounds in the oral cavity. The disease can cause sequelae in the eyes, heart, nervous system and lead to death if not treated properly.

The first symptoms of syphilis are small sores on the genitals (hard chancre), which disappear spontaneously and do not leave scars; enlarged lymph nodes and swelling in the groin area. When well treated, the disease is curable. The treatment consists of injections of the antibiotic Penicillin Benzathine, popularly known as Benzetacil.

According to the Ministry of Health, the main way to control and prevent the disease is precisely to investigate its existence through tests so that, if it is positive, treatment can be carried out as soon as possible.

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