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“Casual here with the people of Guanajay”

"Casual here with the people of Guanajay"

Osmani García and Yasbell Rodríguez met again in Miami after several years without coinciding and the networks witnessed that moment.

“Gentleman, I met a friend of mine from many years ago, the people of Guanajay”the actress can be heard saying between laughs in the company of the reggaeton player, who sent greetings to other friends they have in common.

Here casual with the people of Guanajay. Cubans all. Nice reunion after so many years without seeing each other and the affection that we have given each other in various stages of life. I admire, value and applaud your motivation and always good energy to create Osmani García. We continue with the same bravery as always… Ahhh and being young forever,” she added in the description of the post.

Osmani, for his part, took advantage of the video to send a message to Cuban artists in Miami.

I hope they can reborn their talent, they are all great. To all the Cuban artists, genius is what defines the DNA that all of you carry, I send you a hug,” added Chiquitico from Cuba.

More and more artists from the island are coming to Miami with the intention of continuing their careers in the United States and building a better future.

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