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Cat found in Cereso 3 of Ciudad Juárez was tattooed without anesthesia and belonged to “Net”; he will be put up for adoption

The cat was rescued by authorities from the state of Chihuahua and kept safe in an animal shelter in Ciudad Juárez. (Special)

Among the eccentricities they hid The Mexicles In the Ciudad Juárez prison, the highlight was a sphinx cat, also known as “Egyptian cat” which, according to the authorities, belonged to Ernesto Alfredo Pinon de la Cruz, “El Neto”top leader of the criminal group who died days after the mass escape.

The main peculiarity of the cat is that it has two tattoos, including a golden eagle with the text “Made in Mexico”, a characteristic symbol of the criminal gang that orchestrated the escape from the State Center for Social Reintegration (Cereso) No. 3 on the first day of 2023. .

After his rescue from the penitentiary center, the cat was left under the care of the Department of Rescue and Adoption of Pets of the Municipality (RAMM) of Ciudad Juárez. According to the first medical assessments, led by the head of Animal Welfare, Diego Poggiohe is healthy.

“It brings a slight infection in the ear and eyes, the issue of tattoos, as established by our regulations, is animal abuse, since any mutilation or unnecessary marking is considered obvious abuse,” Poggio told the media.

Presumably, the cat belonged to the leader of Los Mexicles. (Special|Twitter/@LetyReporta)

Regarding this issue, reviews of the animal pointed out that at least one of the tattoos could have been done without anesthesia, while the cat was conscious. They came to that conclusion after analyzing the lines made with the ink.

The tattoo that he has near his left front leg, the specialists commented, has more “straight” lines and is more like a “professional” job, so it is presumed that they would have used sedatives during its completion.

However, the brand of symbol of the Mexicles presents several irregularitiesreason for which apparently they would have limited themselves to holding it at the moment of impregnating the ink.

“It is a situation that causes a lot of stress for these types of animals because have very sensitive skin”, explained the head of Animal Welfare at a press conference.

Among the findings of the authorities in the Ciudad Juárez prison was a cat that had been tattooed with a peculiar symbol. (Special)

Despite this, the little three-year-old feline maintains a good physical condition and does not show signs of conditions such as dehydration.

“It is a kitten that has a lot of management, it is very used to people, it is very affectionate, it shows that whoever was its owner did treat it well, does not have an identification nameadded Diego Poggio.

The intention is that the cat can be given up for adoption in the future, but that will happen when the investigations by the Secretary of State Public Security are concluded (SSPE), since the feline is currently part of the investigations alluding to Cereso No. 3 and the belongings of Los Mexicles in the prison.

Once the custody of the animal is fully the responsibility of the RAMM, various measures and precautions will be taken regarding its adoption, since this breed of cats has a high commercial value that is estimated between 30,000 and 40,000 pesos.

I would have to be adopted by someone non profit so that it could not be misinterpreted, “such as the University autonomous of Ciudad Juárez”, specified the head of the Animal Welfare department. Its new owners will be in charge of naming the little cat, because so far it has no name.

In the operation in which the SSPE rescued the tattooed feline, other striking belongings of Los Mexicles were also found, such as a Mechanical bullplasma televisions, industrial refrigerators, speakers, grills and even a pair of tennis shoes with an estimated value of 19,500 Mexican pesos.

Apparently, a large part of these objects could have been smuggled through a secret door that connected the prison with the outside, since there is no official record that records the entry of any of the goods.

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