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Cat won’t let you sleep at night? Don’t despair: immediately discover 4 clever tricks to put him to sleep

The cat won’t let you

Every night the same scene repeats itself. Meows behind doors, crazy night runs around the house and every other attempt to wake us up. Cats are truly adorable beings, but unfortunately they have completely different schedules and habits from ours. Precisely for this reason, today we want to explain to you how to sleep well at night.

Have you ever noticed? Cats sleep a lot during the daywhile at night they are awake and alert most of the time.

Cats have particular habits that are completely different from ours and sometimes it could be very difficult to get used to. If you are looking for a solution, today we will offer you 4. If you want to know more, read the next paragraphs.

Cat won’t let you sleep? Here’s what to do and how to behave

One of the main reasons why the cat won’t let you sleep and the food. Cats eat very often and when they feel hunger pangs, they run to find you. If you want to sleep peacefully through the night, learn to establish a routine for food. The ideal would be feed them every 6 to 8 hours or so and forget what we can define as “free feeding”. Leave the cat only water and some dry food e Give him the last meal of the day about an hour before bedtime.

After eating he will run to wash and go to sleep. If during the night the cat wakes up asking for food, ignore him. He will be able to eat what is available and enjoy the main meal the next day.

We never think about it, but it takes very little for the cat not to bother us

To get a full night’s sleep, you’ll need to do one simple but very important thing: close your bedroom door leaving the cat out. At first the cat will feel left out and will try to get in by scratching the door and meowing. After a few minutes, he’ll stop and go to sleep on his own. It may seem like a cruel move, but this way the cat will get used to a new condition.

Another effective trick is provide the cat with a comfortable bed. It may seem trivial, but it will be enough to keep it hidden during the day and give it to him only at night to entice him to use it and sleep.

Play with your furry friend: he will go to sleep happy and satisfied

Also playtime should become routine. If the cat won’t let you sleep it’s because he has energy to sell and he’s bored. Playing is essential in the life of a feline. Try to play with him during the day, and if you can’t do it, make time for him in the evening. If you make the cat tired, it will sleep without disturbing you.

Also, leave the feline everything it needs to stimulate its curiosity. Rattle balls, mice, feathered fishing rods, scratching posts and perches are all great ways to keep your cat happy. Finally, remember that cats are very curious animals who love to discover and explore. Close doors and windows tightly, but leave them a chance to look out. This way, they can keep the situation under control and occupy their time without waking you up.

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