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“Catch me if you can”, DiCaprio, ephebe of the fake

Steven Spielberg hesitated for a long time: the memoir of Frank Abagnale, brilliant tidy business swindler, published in 1980, was the subject of five options, and four times the project fell by the wayside. Finally, screenwriter Jeff Nathanson (“Twister”) delivers an acceptable script and Leo DiCaprio gives his agreement… Spielberg reads the script: “I liked this guy. Frank Abagnale is the Cary Grant of the 1960s. Tribute to Hitchcock, then.

In “Arrest me if you can”, there is an air of comedy: the crook makes fun of the police, no one is a victim (rolling banks and insurance companies is hardly reprehensible). One of the best moments is when the cops arrive at Madame Abagnale’s house saying: “Your son embezzled money. » Immediately, the mother, worried about her 17-year-old son, takes out her checkbook: “I’ll pay you back. How much ? » The detective : “Uh! Three million dollars. » Mom’s head…

Wednesday March 15 at 9 p.m. on Téva. American comedy-drama by Steven Spielberg (2002). With Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken, Nathalie Baye. 2h15.

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