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CELAC Summit: despite criticism, Alberto Fernández confirmed that Maduro "you are more than invited"

However, the presence of the Venezuelan president has not yet been confirmed. Who will be part of the event is the Cuban president, Miguel Díaz Canel

For iProfessional

01/22/2023 – 8:54 p.m.

President Alberto Fernández confirmed this Sunday that his Venezuelan counterpart, Nicolás Maduro “is more than invited” to the VII Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) that will begin this Tuesday in the City of Buenos Aires.

In this way, he ignored the criticism of numerous opposition voices and business entities. “Venezuela is part of CELAC and Maduro is more than invited. As far as I know, he will do it,” said the president in an interview with the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo.

According to him, “Argentina’s position in relation to Venezuela is to promote, through the Contact Group, the dialogues that are taking place in Mexico,” where President Andrés Manuel López Obrador governs, one of the promoters of the progressive Puebla Group. .

Fernández assured that these conversations between different political and social sectors of Venezuela “can give good results“.

“The idea is that Venezuelans decide among Venezuelans, not with us,” said the head of state, president pro tempore of CELAC.

Nearing the end of his mandate in that regional body, the president highlighted that “in these difficult times, it was an important mechanism to bring the voice of Latin America to the Summit of the Americas and the G7 and to participate in the discussion on the conflict between Ukraine and Russia”.

“The coming year is decisive because most of the consequences of the war will begin to be seen now. And when the FAO says that 300 million people will die of hunger, we are very concerned, because we know that many of those people may be from America Latina,” he said.

“Venezuela is part of CELAC and Maduro is more than invited,” said the President

“And we are living in a particularly turbulent moment for the region, in which we have to work to guarantee the institutionality of democracy,” added Fernández.

In this regard, Fernández warned that the Latin American right is “very strong” and accused a sector of it of resorting to violence as an “adequate method to combat democracy” and “threaten society.”

“There is a certain sector of the Latin American right that thinks that violence is an adequate way to combat democracy, to threaten society. We must be alert, without allowing that to happen anywhere,” the president concluded.

Who rejected Maduro’s arrival in the country?

Maduro’s arrival in the country was objected throughout the arc of Together for Change and libertarian political forces, who accuse the Bolivarian leader of alleged violations of human rights and democracy in Venezuela.

The head of the PRO, Patricia Bullrich, went so far as to request that Maduro be “immediately arrested upon his arrival in the country for committing crimes against humanity, as happened with Pinochet in London in 1998.”

Meanwhile, former President Mauricio Macri shared an open letter this Sunday on his social networks and considered that “the vast majority of Argentines” feel “shame for our country to associate with others where there is persecution, torture, drug terrorism, political prisoners and fraudulent elections that make a mockery of democracy”.

“The welcome to these dictators is not organized by us Argentines, but by a government that languishes in its mediocrity, one that will soon take the unfortunate honor of having been the worst government in the history of democracy in our country,” the founder said. of the PRO.

The arrival of Maduro to participate in CELAC has not yet been confirmed. On the other hand, the president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz Canel, will be there, another of the heads of state that the opposition denounces for alleged violations of human rights.

The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, also under the magnifying glass of the opposition for the political regime that he imposes in the Central American country, was invited by Alberto Fernández but will not travel to the country to attend the CELAC summit.

The great star of the event will be the new president of Brazil, Lula da Silva, who has just gone through moments of extreme political tension due to the attempted coup d’état by thousands of Bolsonaro militants just a week after taking office at the Planalto Palace. .

Alberto Fernández will hold a bilateral meeting with his Brazilian counterpart, who governs the most powerful economy on the continent, in which, among other matters, they could advance the guidelines to establish a common currency for both countries, called “South”.

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