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Celebrate the International Day of Transgender Visibility

Juarez City.- The municipal government celebrated the International Day of Trans Visibility with a musical show, talks and an exhibition of rights.

Through a statement it was reported that the event took place in the pedestrian corridor of Avenida 16 de Septiembre and Juárez, where an informative clothesline was installed on actions of rejection and discrimination that trans people suffer daily.

The bulletin reveals that Ignacio Díaz Hinojos, technical secretary of the Municipal Council to Prevent Discrimination (Comupred); indicated that artistic presentations were offered during the event; exhibition of paintings, photos, clothing and accessories of Trans people and a presentation by the singer Vanesa La Única was offered, in addition to paying tribute to the trajectory of the Diamante Travesti Show group.

Elvira Urrutia Castro, general director of the Municipal Women’s Institute; Graciela Vázquez, from the Coordination of Advisors; Alejandro García, from IPACULT and Daniel Lovera Pérez, head of the central station of the Municipal Public Security Secretariat.

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