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Central missed the victory against Boca in the end

Boca Juniors rescued a tie for Gigante de Arroyito this afternoon, by equalizing with Rosario Central 2-2 with a header from Nicolás Figal at minute 99, in the last play of the match corresponding to the 13th. Professional League date.

The local team, led by Miguel Ángel Russo, was ahead twice thanks to goals from Lautaro Giaccone (25m.PT) and Alejo Véliz (24m.ST); while Boca made it 1-1 through Martín Payero (18m.ST).

As soon as the initial whistle blew, the locals already gave the first warning and demanded Sergio Romero: Alejo Véliz headed an aerial shot from the corner and the visiting goalkeeper excelled to drown out the sacred cry from the locker room. After a few minutes back and forth, Jorge Almirón’s team began to take control of the game and showed some interesting connections that had not been seen until now.

However, beyond a shot from Payero or Óscar Romero, he did not manage to hurt Jorge Broun too much. El Canalla matched the actions after fifteen minutes, had an arrival with a left foot from Jaminton Campaz and quickly, in a new dangerous action, put the first thanks to a great goal from Lautaro Giaccione: he received from the right wing, left Valentín Barco snubbed with a notable hook and struck down Tiny with a left foot that broke the net for Central’s 1-0.

At the beginning of the complement, Giaccone shone again with a great individual play: he entered the area, finished off and the referee Ariel Penel charged a penalty for an alleged handball by Luis Advíncula. However, the VAR called it and after checking it on the monitor, he decided to cancel it. With the resumption, there was a match with arrivals for both sides, until Payero appeared upside down, after a great collective play by Boca, to put the tie.

However, the joy did not last long for the Ribera group: five minutes later, Véliz made his scoring appearance in the area after a great assist from Campaz to make it 2-1. With the home team ahead again, the last minutes were marked by very hot weather: jostling between the players, the expulsion of Russo, Almirón and more. But the stoy did not end there: when the clock marked 54´ (9 out of 10 addition), Figal was present in the rival area to sentence Boca’s agonizing draw.

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