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César 2023 in France: Algerian actress Lyna Khoudri nominated

The Césars are preparing to host their 48th ceremony, on February 24, 2023, at the Olympia in Paris. For this new edition, it is up to the Algerian actor and comedian Tahar Rahim to preside over this ceremony which will reward many achievements, actors, directors, but also the best sets and costumes.

In this wake, the Academy of Cinema Arts and Techniques has just unveiled, on Wednesday January 25, 2023, the official list of nominations for the Césars 2023. Among these, an actress of Algerian origin is one of them.

Algerian actress Lyna Khoudri nominated for the 2023 Césars

Every year and since 1976, the Césars ceremony rewards the best of the seventh art. And this, in particular by granting several prizes in different fields. In particular those of the best film, best short film, best documentary, best decorations, but also the price of the best actors and actresses.

For the Césars 2023, in the list of nominations for the prize for best actress in a supporting role, is the name of the actress of Algerian origin Lyna Khoudri. In particular, for his role in “November” by Cédric Jimenez, released in cinemas in October 2022.

Lyna Khoudri embodies the role of Samia in “November”

This film represents a dive into the anti-terrorism that followed the attacks of November 13, 2015 in France. In “November”, Lyna Khoudri embodies with accuracy and brilliance the character of Samia, who helped the police to find the marks of a terrorist following these attacks.

You should know that “November” is also nominated for several other awards, during the 2023 Césars ceremony. As a reminder, Lyna Khoudri has already won the César for best female hope for her role as Nedjma, in ” Papicha”, in 2020. She is also one of the faces of the “10 to watch 2023” honored by UniFrance.

Lyna Khoudri elected best female hope at the César 2020


> 10 to Watch 2023 – France: Algerian Lyna Khoudri honored
>> The movie star, Lyna Khoudri, declares her love for Algeria
>> Franco-Algerian actor Tahar Rahim will chair the 2023 Césars

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